Online Delphi OOP Course by John Barrow. Following are the few Delphi programming topics covered in this book.
- Introduction to Delphi OO basics
- Introduction to Delphi class inheritance
- Delphi Programmer defined classes and objects
- Accessing an Delphi object and its data
- The Sender parameter and substitution
- Introducing type inheritance in Delphi
- Using and abusing inheritance in Delphi
- Indirection in Delphi
- Association & Composition in Delphi
- Two Patterns Using Composition in Delphi
- Some Patterns for varying behaviour in Delphi
- Bidirectional links, Callbacks and Linking Classes in Delphi
- Delphi Factory Patterns
- A Decorator
- Object orientation basics
- Delphi Unit structure and project structure
- Delphi’s RAD generation: visual objects and events
Object Orientation (OO) can be seen from three different aspects: objects as independent entities, objects as derived entities, and objects as interacting entities.
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